When you think of Valentines’ Day, what comes to mind? It’s an age-old tradition that cut flowers are given on Valentine’s Day, but with a shelf life of only five to seven days, they’re quickly forgotten. The legacy of a flowering plant can last much longer, as when you give it, it’s actually at the start of its life rather than at the end!
Potted plants are so much more suggestive of permanent affection than a bunch of flowers, and on a purely matter-of-fact level, they give far better value for money and avoids our throwaway culture.

Cold loving cyclamen and hellebores both bloom for months and can temporarily live inside before being planted outdoors. Here are a few other ideas that will be well received by anyone who loves gardening or flowers in general.
STEPHANOTIS - Stunning house-plants trailed around a wire to help release its perfume. Common in most garden centers, usually at this time of year, they can be found trained around heart shaped wire.
MINIATURE ROSES - A classic Valentine’s Day symbol is the rose. A potted rose will last much longer and eventually can be planted outside in the garden or kept in a container outside. Miniature roses tend to flower at this time of year too

CAMELLIA- For something less obvious, try symbolic plants with a little card attached explaining them. White Camellias symbolise adoration, Pink Camellia symbolise a longing for someone and red Camellia symbolise love, passion and deep desire. These can either be bought in shrub form or as a standard tree.
ORCHID- A rather raunchier plant choice could be an orchid. The name orchid is derived from the
Greek word “orchis,” named by the ancient Greek botanist, Theophrastus, who thought that the fleshy underground tubers resembled the male anatomy. Due to their namesake, orchids are associated with fertility, virility, and sexuality. These associations, coupled with their exotic
appearance, have given them a long history of being associated with love, fertility and elegance throughout various cultures and time periods
With some plants having hidden meanings, pick wisely who you give which plant to!